MAGIC-GRAND I3 (Idea, Innovation and Inaugurate) Challenge

The Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre, UBC in association with GRAND NCE is excited to welcome applicants  to compete in the second MAGIC-GRAND I3 (idea, innovation and inaugurate) challenge. At our first challenge in September, seven teams competed from a range of faculties with a range of ideas and projects. Of those selected one has applied to be admitted into the into the Plug and Play Accelerator and another has been invited to make a funding pitch at the Cascadia Summit, while  other applicants have already moved from initial ideas to developing prototypes of their products.

Register and submit a 2 page business model canvas (a graphic representation/presentation) of an idea  and road map to inaugurate the idea and innovation. Present a 5-minute pitch of the idea and innovation before a panel of judges drawn from the digital media and investment communities. Successful participants will be rewarded with a 3-month residency in the MAGIC Lab (renewable for another 3 months) and in-kind technical and business support/mentoring, etc. to take the idea and innovation and business proposal to the next stage. This round is open to the entire UBC community, but we particularly welcome applications from graduate students and staff.

Register by emailing by November 30th

Submit a 2 page business model canvas by December 5, also to
Pitch: December 10th, Computer Science Boardroom. (Details to follow)

Email Mark Salopek or Siobhán McElduff ( with any questions

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