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Join Us for Photography Session at iSchool on Wednesday

If you happen to be in Vancouver and have time, we’d love to have you join us for some photography at the iSchool this Wednesday, August 29.
The photographer is Martin Dee, an award-winning UBC staff member. He’s spending the day with us so we can get some new shots for our website, as well as for publications (like our newsletter).
We’re particularly looking for students 9:30-11:30 a.m., and also 4-5 p.m.
We will ask you to sign a release form so we can use the photos, plus it’s a good chance to get to know your new classmates who have also been invited.
What to wear and bring: Wear colours that make you feel good. Avoid strong stripes or patterns, solid black or solid white if possible.
Feel free to bring props (iPad, laptop, ancient scroll, books, parliamentary mace – whatever!).
If you have questions, contact Michelle (michelle.mallette@ubc.ca)

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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