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6th Annual Drop Everything and Read Event by the BC Teacher-Librarians’ Association (MLIS, Dual)

On behalf of the BC Teacher-Librarians’ Association I would like to invite your library (patrons and staff, alike) to join teacher-librarians, school libraries, and literacy advocates across BC in helping to celebrate National School Library Day by participating in our 6th Annual Drop Everything and Read Event. This BC-wide event has grown to include participation from over 48, 000 BC students, teachers, parents, government officials, and volunteers.

This year’s event is on Monday, October 22 from 11:00-11:30. It is our hope that both patrons and employees of public libraries will join us!

Official t-shirt and poster information is available at http://dropeverythingandreadbc.ca/. You can also follow us on Twitter (@BCTLA_DEAR) and find us on Facebook (DROP Everything and READ).

Thank you, in advance, for your support of school libraries, teacher-librarians, and the joy of reading!

Warmest regards,

Jeff Yasinchuk
VP Advocacy

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