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October 2012

You are browsing the archive for October 2012.

Registration Open for Academic to Commercial Writing + Joy of Conflict Workshops

Registration is now open for: From Academic Researcher to Commercial Writer: this interactive session will provide insight into communicating your academic research to a general audience in various formats from opinion pieces to magazine articles to non-fiction books. Wednesday, October 10th, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Location: Graduate Student Centre, 6371 Crescent Road, Point Grey […]

Dr. Julienne Molineaux to Discuss LAC After Merger

We are pleased to announce Julienne Molineaux , lecturer at the Auckland University of Technology, will be the guest speaker at the first of our Fall 2012 Colloquium Series. Dr. Molineaux will present her talk, “Library and Archives Canada, Ten Years After the Merger,” on Wednesday, October 3, 12-1 p.m., in the Dodson Room of […]

Attention All Students Finishing School This Semester!

To all SLAIS students who will be done their program requirements at the end of this semester (but technically not “graduating” until May): You are invited to your graduation party! Before everyone heads off to start their fantastic new careers all over the world we thought it would be fun to have a party to […]

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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