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GPS January Schedule (All Students)

The following workshops and information sessions will take place in January 2013.  Registration for each session will open the Monday prior to the session, unless noted.

Thursday, January 10th: Resume and Cover Letter Clinic (registration opens Wednesday, Jan 2nd)
Thursday, January 10th: New Graduate Student Orientation (Information available at orientation.grad.ubc.ca; Registration now open at https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g208c )

Wednesday, January 16th: Job Search Clinic
Thursday, January 17th: Perfectionism

Monday, January 21st: Managing Effective Collaborative Research Teams
Wednesday, January 23rd: Time Mangement
Wednesday, January 23rd: 3MT coaching session
Wednesday, January 23rd: Communicating for a General Audience
Thursday, January 24th: Submitting your Thesis
Thursday, January 24th: Preparing for your Doctoral Exam

Thursday, January 24th: Copyright for your Thesis

Tuesday, January 29th: 3MT coaching session (face-to-face + via webinar)
Tuesday, January 29th: Time Management (via webinar)
Tuesday, January 30th: Practice your Presentation Skills

For complete details for each session visit https://www.grad.ubc.ca/current-students/gps-graduate-pathways-success/gps-workshops-events .  All sessions will be posted by Friday of this week!

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