December 2012
You are browsing the archive for December 2012.
GPS Events This Week – December 4 to 6 (All Students)
There is still space available for this week’s Thursday workshop by the Office of Research Ethics: Human Research Ethics for Behavioural and Social Sciences Thursday, December 6, 2012 – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Through an overview of the evolution of international and national ethics codes and guidelines, ethical principles and hands-on case studies, participants […]
Published In Winter 2013 BCLA Children’s and Young Adult YAACING Newsletter (MLIS, Dual)
Congratulations to SLAIS student Elizabeth Bell, Lindsey Krabbenhoft, Megan Harris, Dana Horrocks and Stephanie Gauvin, who have had SLAIS assignments for different classes published in the Winter 2013 BCLA children’s and young adult section newsletter, YAACING.
Award of SLAIS Doctoral Travel Funding
Congratulations to the following SLAIS doctoral students who have been awarded travel funds for past or pending conferences which fall in the current funding year (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013). They are (in order of conferences): Sherry Xie (presented at ICA in Australia in August, 2012) Donald Force (presented at ARMA in Chicago […]
Volunteers Needed, Changing Times: Inspiring Libraries this week (MLIS and Dual)
Student volunteers are needed for Thursday evening and Friday (morning, afternoon, or both) at the Changing Times: Inspiring Libraries leadership summit on Thursday and Friday this week (Dec. 6 and 7). Registration, room prep, food prep, etc. This event is sold out so a good opportunity to network with a range of professionals and listen […]
Monday Morning Fun Post – All Students
Sorry – didn’t get to this on Friday! Enjoy! Pissing Off a Frog: Awesome Infographic: Bestselling SciFi:
Graduate Student Workshop Series – December (All Students)
Tips and Tricks for Formatting Your Thesis: Little Things Mean A Lot! Are you worried about getting your thesis/dissertation into the format required by the Faculty of Graduate Studies? Would you like to know more about how to use the formatting features in Microsoft Word? Research Commons staff will help you with your questions about […]
FNCC Dual option (DUAL Students)
The iSchool@UBC is pleased to announce that students enrolled in the Dual program can now join the school’s First Nations Curriculum Concentration (FNCC). For further information about the concentration please visit the FNCC webpage