You are browsing the archive for 2012.
The Medical Library Association’s Rittenhouse Award (MLIS, Dual)
The Medical Library Association’s Rittenhouse Award offers a great opportunity for professional recognition—and more!–to students in an American Library Association–accredited school of library and information studies or to trainees in an internship in health sciences librarianship or medical informatics. Established in 1967 by the Rittenhouse Medical Bookstore and continued by Rittenhouse Book Distributors, this award […]
Travel Funds for Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Students (MACL)
If you are interested in presenting at, attending, organising, or participating in the organization of a conference in your area of study or any allied field (children’s and young adult literature and media and allied fields) before April 2013, SLAIS may be able to provide a small amount of financial support. To apply for it […]
Registration Info: Project Mgmt, Time Mgmt and Procrastination
Registration is now open for the following sessions: Intro to Project Management (Mitacs Step event for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows): This session provides an introductory, broad overview of Project Management and some insights into the tasks and cycles involved in the management of a project. Tuesday, October 2nd, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM For […]
Student Volunteers Needed for ARMA at UNESCO
ARMA Canada and ARMA Vancouver are looking for volunteers to help staff their display booth at the UNESCO conference, Wednesday to Friday, Sept 26 to 28. If you would like to help, contact Sandie Bradley at harwoodinfo@telus.net for further details.
Faculty, Alumni, Students Featured at UNESCO Conference
The UNESCO Memory of the World Conference will be held in Vancouver September 26-28, sponsored in part by the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, the iSchool at The University of British Columbia. This year’s theme is The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation. The conference will be held […]
Conference Travel funding for MLIS/Dual Students (MLIS, Dual)
If you are interested in presenting at, attending, organizing or participating in the organization of a conference in your area of study or any allied field before April 2013, SLAIS may be able to provide a small amount of financial support. To apply for funding talk to a full-time faculty member whose research and teaching […]
Deadline for September 2012 Registration Winter Term 1 Courses
Last day for change in registration and for withdrawal from most Winter Session Term 1 courses without withdrawal standing of “W” recorded on a student’s academic record is today, Tuesday, September 18, 2012. There has been some confusion as to why there are different drop dates for each course during the week. Graduate Studies follows […]
SLAIS Students’ Articles Published in YACCING
Congratulations to SLAIS students Jamie McCarthy, Shannon Mills, Emily Orr for their articles in the Fall 2012 issue of YAACING: the Newsletter of the Young Adult and Children’s Services Section of British Columbia Library Association.
BCLA – First Nations Interest Group Meeting!
Tuesday, September, 18th – 6:30 pm Trail Room Open to all! Come meet fabulous information colleagues Learn about information-oriented projects by,with and for Aboriginal communities/organizations in BC over yummy snacks!
Libraries Op Ed Piece in the Vancouver Sun (MLIS, DUAL)
In today’s article in the Vancouver Sun by BCLA member Baharak Yousefi: http://www.vancouversun.com/opinion/op-ed/Opinion+library+community+place+gather/7233191/story.html