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UBC Pro-D Opportunity: Living Our Indigenous Languages Summer Institute [All Students]


2013 Summer Institute

Living Our Indigenous Languages
July 2­August 2 | UBC Vancouver Campus

Please join us for a summer institute that will bring together a diverse community of people who are interested in reclaiming and revitalizing Indigenous languages, many of which are endangered.

Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, faculty, staff, language advocates, community members, policy-makers, educators, practitioners, and scholars will be in attendance.

We invite you to enroll in all 4 courses (12 credits in 5 weeks), or in individual courses ranging from one to three weeks.

You will learn first-hand from language speakers, learners, and educators about their personal and professional experiences. You will also gain an understanding of practices in Indigenous language revitalization efforts.


Register by: Monday, June 3Visit pdce.educ.ubc.ca/LivingLanguages2013 for details.


Web: pdce.educ.ubc.ca/LivingLanguages2013
Contact: candace.galla@ubc.ca

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