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IInformation for ARST Courses in Winter 2013-2014 [MAS/Dual Students]

This message is directed to all students taking MAS/ARST courses in the 2013-2014 Winter Session.

If you are in the stand-alone MLIS program, remember you must get permission from the Rick Kopak, SLAIS Graduate Adviser, before you register for any ARST courses [this also applies to students in the stand-alone MAS program who wish to take any LIBR courses].  You must complete and submit this form prior to registration:
Application for Credit for ‘External’ Courses Form – http://www.slais.ubc.ca/resources/students/RequestExternalCourses.pdf

There have been changes in the prerequisites for these ARST courses, so check the individual Course Descriptions before you register for them:

ARST 545 (3) Advanced Arrangement & Description of Archival Documents

ARST 580: Records, Archives, and the Law
[was: ARST 575E (3) Topics in the Management of Records: Archives and the Law]

These courses have been changed from 3-credit topics courses to free-standing 3-credit courses. If you took the older version you cannot take the new version as well:

ARST 565:  Administering Records Under Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Legislation
[was: ARST 575B (3) Topics in the Management of Records: Administering Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Legislations]

ARST 580: Records, Archives, and the Law
[was: ARST 575E (3) Topics in the Management of Records: Archives and the Law]

ARST 560: Records and Information Governance
[was: ARST 575D (3) Topics in the Management of Records: Advanced Management of Current Records]

This course has changed its name, but kept the same number:
ARST 530 (3) The History of the Canadian Administrative System  [changed name of course, but kept same number]
[was: ARST 530 (3) The History of Administration in the Canadian Juridical Context]



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