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Media@McGill’s POOC on “The Participatory Condition” – Registration Now Open [All Students]

Media@McGill’s Participatory Open Online Course (POOC) on The Participatory Condition is now open for registration (http://www.pcond.ca/pooc/). This free, non-credited online course runs from October 15 to December 6, 2013. The POOC interrogates a range of issues pertaining to the history, problems and possibilities of participatory media in contemporary society, and will focus on aspects of mediated participation including surveillance, the predicament of participation, gaming, publics, art, and design. All participants who register for the POOC are invited to learn, share, collaborate and create knowledge using the POOC’s digital platform. For more information, visit http://www.pcond.ca/pooc/requirements.

The POOC complements Media@McGill’s international colloquium on The Participatory Condition (#PCond) taking place in Montreal on November 15 and 16, 2013. To register for the colloquium, visit http://www.pcond.ca/registration/

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