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ALCTS webinar: Let’s Get Ready to MOOC: Why Libraries Should Care [MLIS, Dual]


Date: September 25, 2013

All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11am Pacific, noon Mountain, 1pm Central, and 2pm Eastern time.

Description: Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are sweeping the country and libraries and librarians are watching this development carefully. This series of four webinars will help librarians gain an understanding of the complexity of the MOOC “movement,” learn how to support students and faculty engaged with MOOCs, become familiar with the copyright and intellectual property requirements in relation to MOOCs, and hear what the future may hold for MOOCs.

The first webinar, on September 25, 2013 will be presented by Mike Eisenberg, dean emeritus and professor, University of Washington Information School, who will set the stage by examining the origins of online learning and explaining why MOOCs continue to thoroughly capture the imagination of students, educators, and administrators.


Who should attend? Librarians, library administrators, and library educators interested in supporting and enhancing libraries’ preparation of and participation in MOOCs.

Presenter: Mike Eisenberg is the founding dean of the Information School at the University of Washington, serving from 1998 to 2006. Known as an innovator and entrepreneur, Mike approached the iSchool as a start-up – transforming the school into a broad-based information school with academic programs on all levels and making a difference in industry, the public sector, and education. Mike’s current work focuses on information and technology literacy, virtual worlds, and library information and technology programs, K-20.


Single Webinar Registration Fees:  $43 ALCTS Member; $59 Non-member; $43 International; $99/$129 Group (members/non-members).

This webinar is part one of a four part series. Please check the ALCTS Web site for discount pricing for the entire webinar series.

For additional information and access to registrations links, please go to the following website:


ALCTS webinars are recorded and registrants receive a link to the recording shortly following the live event.

For questions about registration, contact ALA Registration by calling 1-800-545-2433 and press 5 or email registration@ala.org. For all other questions or comments related to the webinars, contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Events Manager at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5034 or alctsce@ala.org.

Posted on behalf of the ALCTS Continuing Education Committee.

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