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Reminder: Application for Travel Funding [MAS/Dual Students]

Dear Students,

SLAIS has made available travel funds for MAS and Dual Students to be allocated by the Chair and Second Chair of the MAS Program. These funds are available to MAS and Dual students attending an Archival Conference. The funds are extra to the travel funds that are currently listed on our Website (e.g., Student to ACA).

Funds will be initially limited to students who are not receiving travel support from faculty research grants or other sources. Funds will be initially limited to students who are presenting papers or otherwise directly participating in a conference. This does not include “volunteering” at a conference. We have set a November 1 application deadline for conferences that have occurred before then. Students can submit their applications to Giovanni Michetti or Vicki Lemieux at any point before November 1. Students who apply will have to have original receipts for any requested reimbursement by the November 15 deadline. Students will submit an application for any/all expenses they incurred attending a conference.

We will take a look at the applications and then decide how much, if any, of the $2,000 total to allocate to the pre-December period.  We will also decide how much will be awarded to students who have applied for support. By setting a November 1st deadline we should be able to get funds to any students completing their degrees in December.

The remaining funds will be available for conferences taking place after November 15, 2013. Details about the second application deadline will be provided at the beginning of January 2014.


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