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Sarah Ellis – The Writer as Critic: Inside and Outside the Book

Sarah Ellis – The Writer as Critic: Inside and Outside the Book

A talk by the award-winning children’s writer.

12:00 – 1:00 pm
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
The Dodson Room
Level 3, Chapman Learning Commons
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
1961 East Mall, UBC

Sarah Ellis has always appreciated children’s literature from the multiple perspectives of writer, reviewer, critic, and teacher of children’s literature and creative writing. She will discuss her experience as the insider crafting a story and the outsider striving to put that story into context.

Her fourteen children’s books have won many awards, including the Governor General’s and the TD Canadian Children’s Literature Award. Sarah received a master’s degree in children’s literature after a career as a children’s librarian, and is now on the faculty of the Vermont College of Fine Arts. She has also lectured in Japan, Venezuela, England, Ireland and various Canadian and American locations. She received the British Columbia Lieutenant Governor’s Lifetime Achievement Award in 2013.

The colloquium is sponsored by the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Program, offered by the Creative Writing Program, the English Department, the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, and the Department of Language and Literacy Education.

One response to “Sarah Ellis – The Writer as Critic: Inside and Outside the Book”

  1. That Fatal Night: A Dear Canada Book, Guest Post by Laura MacDonald | The Book Wars

    […] (I will be hearing her speak again in February when she returns to UBC to speak as part of the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature Colloquium series). At the VCLR breakfast I purchased a Sarah Ellis Dear Canada book, That Fatal Night: The […]

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