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Harry Newsom Memorial Award

Please consider applying for the Harry Newsom Memorial Award.

This is an opportunity for BCLA members who have notable travel costs and who would like to attend the BC Library Conference in 2014.

Established in memory of Harry Newsom, Director of the Cariboo Thompson Nicola Library, this prize is used to defray travel costs for individuals who otherwise would be unable to attend BC Library Conference due to limited funds. Awards vary in amount depending on the individual’s need and the funding available.

Please submit a short letter explaining your travel needs and confirming that you can cover the registration costs of the conference by February 10th, 2014.

Please put “Harry Newsom Memorial Award” in the subject Line of the email and send to admin@bcla.bc.ca . We will contact successful applicants as soon as possible after February 10th and before Early Bird Registration closes.

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