Call for Papers: ICEC 2014 – The 16th International Conference on Electronic Commerce
Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 5-6, 2014
The International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC) is a forum for the exchange of new ideas related to emerging technologies and managerial practices in electronic commerce, IT services and mobile business. ICEC 2014 will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on August 5-6, 2014.
The theme of ICEC 2014 is “E-Commerce and Social Data Analytics.” ICEC 2014 will feature refereed paper presentations, panel discussions and invited keynote presentations.
ICEC 2014 serves as the venue for the discussion of the challenges in, strategies for, and impacts of e-commerce technologies and business applications. E-commerce has been an integral part of business operations for decades, and has been evolving continuously. Innovative technologies have been deployed, and new business models have been designed.
We welcome research that investigates the behavioral, economic, organizational and technological issues existing in e-commerce and mobile commerce, including analytical modeling, case study, design science research, and empirical study. We seek submissions on topics that include, but not limited to, the following:
- Mobile Payments
- Social Commerce
- Big Data Analytics
- Social Network Analysis
- Text Mining & Web Mining
- Social Media and Digital Marketing
- Auction for the Internet
- Health IT
- E-Commerce Standardization
- Economics in E-Commerce
- Mobile Commerce
- Cybersecurity
- Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding
The electronic paper submission deadline is March 11, 2014.
Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM. Authors of accepted papers will have the option to have the full paper or the abstract included in the proceedings.
Selected papers will be invited to submit the extended version to a special issue in Electronic Commerce Research and Application (ECRA).
Visit the ICEC 2014 Web site at:
Main conference dates: August 5-6, 2014
Workshop, tutorial and invited session proposals: March 4, 2014
Electronic paper submission deadline: March 11, 2014
Workshop notification: March 18, 2014
Notification of paper acceptance: April 18, 2014
Camera-ready papers and abstracts: May 6, 2014
ICEC 2014 Chairs
Honorary General Chairs
David E. Fenske, Drexel University, USA
Bruce Weber, University of Delaware, USA
Eric K. Clemons, University of Pennsylvania, USA
General Chairs
Christopher C. Yang, Drexel University, USA
David Gefen, Drexel University, USA
Program Chairs
Qizhi Dai, Drexel University, USA
Harry Wang, University of Delaware, USA
Sunil Wattal, Temple University, USA
Financial Chair
Erjia Yan, Drexel University, USA
Publication Chair
Shih-Fen Cheng, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Johnna Capitano, Drexel University, USA
Web Chair
Mi Zhang, Drexel University, USA
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