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Kress Scholarship applications for SEI 2014 due February 7

This is a reminder that applications are due by Friday, February 7, for Kress Foundation Scholarships to attend the 2014 Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management (SEI). Recipients will be notified no later than March 7, 2014.

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) and the Visual Resources Association Foundation (VRAF) are pleased that the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, http://www.kressfoundation.org/, has once again generously agreed to sponsor five scholarships for SEI. SEI 2014 will be held June 10-13 at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. This intensive three and a half day workshop will feature a curriculum that specifically addresses the requirements of today’s information professional, including hands-on and lecture modules. New professionals, current library school students and more experienced professionals interested in updating their skill sets will all benefit from SEI.

Kress Scholarship recipients will each receive $770 to cover tuition, accommodations, and minor incidentals. If you are interested in applying for a Samuel H. Kress Foundation Scholarship for SEI 2014, information can be found on the SEI website at http://sei2014.org/scholarships/.


Please contact SEI co-chairs Amy Trendler (aetrendler@bsu.edu) or Meghan Musolff (musolff@umich.edu) with any questions.

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