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Announcing the ARLIS/NA Learning Portal

August 25, 2014

ARLIS/NA Launches Learning Portal

The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) announces the launch of its Learning Portal, which includes on-demand access to the Society’s webinars, virtual conferences and educational initiatives. The Learning Portal provides opportunities for ARLIS/NA members and interested others to participate in online learning modules focused on current issues most important to the art library community in our fast-paced and changing environment.

The ARLIS/NA Learning Portal presents the Society’s first virtual conference — four compelling “Art + Politics” themed tracks recorded at the 2014 Washington, DC annual conference are now available along with additional supporting materials:

• Fostering Creativity: Collaborative Projects in Open Access: Enhancing Discoverability of Your Collections via DPLA
• Power and Agency: Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Art Historians
• Of, By and For the People: The Politics of Change: Digital Humanities
• Preserve and Protect : Picturing Dissent: Documentation of Labor Movements’ Actions from the Late 19th Century to the Present

In addition, the Learning Portal provides on-demand access to ARLIS/NA’s popular lunchtime chat series and webinars such as the spring 2014 ACRL co-presented webinar, “Perspectives in Art Publishing: Past, Present, Future and Open.”

For more information on ARLIS/NA Learning Portal registration, access and rates contact: learning@arlisna.org

About the Art Libraries Society of North America

Founded in 1972, the Art Libraries Society of North America is a dynamic, international organization of 1,200 individuals devoted to fostering excellence in art and design librarianship and image management in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The membership includes architecture and art librarians, visual resources professionals, artists, curators, educators, publishers, students, and others interested in visual arts information. To serve this diverse constituency, the Society provides a wide range of programs and services within an organizational structure that encourages participation at all levels.

ARLIS/NA Media Contact

Elizabeth Berenz, ARLIS/NA Media Relations Coordinator
Email: media.relations@arlisna.org
Telephone: (773) 930-4178
Web: www.arlisna.org

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