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7th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2015) 26-29 May 2015, IUT-Descartes University, Paris, France

It is our pleasure to invite you in Paris (IUT-Descartes University, 26-29 May 2015) for the 7th Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference (QQML2015, http://www.isast.org) which is organized under the umbrella of ISAST (International Society for the Advancement of Science and Technology, a non-profit organization).
If you already have sent your submission ignore this message. Just download and communicate the attached Conference Poster (a nice view of Paris).  To see poster go to: POSTER-QQML2015
However, you can visit the QQML Journal website at http://www.qqml.net/ to see the fast growing statistics and find our connection with EBSCO and DOAJ for paper downloads.
This is the seventh year of the conference which brings together different disciplines on library and information science; it is a multi–disciplinary conference that covers the Library and Information Science topics in conjunction to other disciplines (e.g. innovation and economics, management and marketing, statistics and data analysis, information technology, human resources, museums, archives, special librarianship, etc).
Please direct any questions regarding the QQML 2015 Conference to the secretariat of the conference at: secretar@isast.org

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