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$30,000 in Student Awards Available from CIBC and Student Life Network

Each year our organization, in collaboration with CIBC, offers awards worth over $30,000 to help a Canadian student pay for school or reduce their student debt. The award is not merit based and is open to both undergraduate and graduate students in all programs. In addition to $20,000 from CIBC to use for school or […]

Grunt Gallery Presents DIG

Grunt Gallery, an artist run centre in Mount Pleasant, presents DIG: an afternoon exploring archives and archival practice in the arts. DIG will feature speakers, an archives tour, and a video screening from the archives, plus coffee, beer, and general good times. More information is available here: http://grunt.ca/dig/

ImagineBC Deadline Approaching

A reminder that the ImagineBC submission deadline is December 19. Watch the video at ImagineBC.ca for inspiration, to learn more about the initiative, and how to submit your idea. You may recall that ImagineBC was launched in September, a partnership of the Irving K Barber Learning Centre, University of British Columbia Libraries, Simon Fraser University […]

ACA – Call for Student Proposals and Posters

MAS and Dual students are encouraged to start thinking about submitting a proposal for the annual student session at next year’s ACA Conference in Regina (June 11-13, 2015). Students might also want to consider putting in a proposal for the revamped poster session, which will include the opportunity to present a 3-5 minute “lightning” talk […]

Dean of Arts Research Seminar – Robert Gibbs: “Ideas Of The Future University”

Dr. Robert B. Gibbs, Director of the Jackman Humanities Institute and Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, will give a talk: “Ideas of the future university” on Monday December 1, 2014 from 4:00 to 5:00pm in the Multipurpose Room of the Liu Institute for Global Issues. To see poster, go to: RobertGibbs_GuestLecturerPoster[3]  

UBC MOOC – Reconciliation through Indigenous Education, Free Open Online Course For Educators

Explore strategies, teaching exemplars, and resources that support the teaching and learning of Indigenous ways of knowing in classrooms, schools and communities. UBC Faculty of Education is delivering a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), a free 6-week course that begins on January 25. Join Dr. Jan Hare, Professor of Indigenous Education, to learn about Indigenous […]

Draft Summer 2015 Timetable

Summer 1-credit courses have been added to the draft Summer 2015 timetables. Please note that these timetables are subject to change. Summer Timetable, Term 1 [May/June]: LIBR 522G: First Nations Literature and Other Materials for Children and Young Adults Summer Timetable, Term 2 [July/August]: LIBR 522M Poetry for Children ARST 575F (1) The Digital Photographic […]

MAGIC-GRAND I3 (Idea, Innovation and Inaugurate) Challenge

The Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre, UBC in association with GRAND NCE is excited to welcome applicants  to compete in the second MAGIC-GRAND I3 (idea, innovation and inaugurate) challenge. At our first challenge in September, seven teams competed from a range of faculties with a range of ideas and projects. Of those selected one has applied […]

Graduate Pathways to Success

Canada Graduate Scholarships Webinar Recording + Space in Getting the Interview There is still space available in this Friday’s session: Getting the Interview-How to Make Your Application Stand Out (@BC Cancer Agency, 10th Ave and Ash St) Friday, November 21st 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM To register, visit https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g3a49 Did you miss the Canada Graduate […]

SLAIS MLIS Student Member of Winning Team in ASIS&T Design Competition

In the Student Design Competition, Team Disaster Box, featuring iSchool MLIS student Krista Parham, with Kenyon Crowley, and Zachary Frazier took First Prize. Prompted with designing for information needs in crisis, this team presented a concept for a decentralized, resilient, parallel Internet network with an integrated social media platform to be deployed in the event […]

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