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Study abroad with LIS British Studies 2015

How would you like to spend a month in beautiful London, England, while earning graduate course credits?

If yes, then come along with us next July on British Studies 2015, a month-long study abroad program hosted by The University of Southern Mississippi’s School of Library and Information Science (SLIS), for on-site lectures and guided tours of some of the UK’s most important and historic libraries, archives, and special collections. The program is offered June 25 to July 29th 2015 and carries six hours of credit from The University of Southern Mississippi, a fully-accredited institution of higher learning. Students participating in the LIS course will learn about historic and modern British repositories and collections from distinguished British librarians, archivists, and curators on-site in London, Edinburgh, and Oxford.

Registration is now open, but space is limited. The application deadline is February 27th, 2015. (Late applications will be considered depending on available room, and late registrants will have to make their own air travel arrangements. Contact USM’s office of International Programs for more information on applying after the deadline.)

Students from Canadian LIS schools are more than welcome to participate; there are no out-of-state fees. Information about course requirements, including the tentative 2015 schedule and syllabus, is available at: http://www.usm.edu/library-information-science/british-studies

For more program details and to apply online, visit: http://www.usm.edu/british-studies.

The British Studies Program is headquartered in central London at King’s College in one of their dormitories. The rooms are small, but everyone gets a private room with mini-fridge and private bath. Everyone has access to a shared kitchen and the dorm has a large courtyard which serves as a social center of the program. Participants quickly make friends with the students in their class as well as students from across the country.

The dorm is on Stamford Street, a hundred yards or so from Waterloo Station. The central location puts you just a few minutes’ walk from Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, and the theater district. A historic recreation of the Globe Theatre, where you may purchase tickets to a Shakespeare production, is within walking distance, as is the historic Old Vic Theatre, and the modern National Theatre.

The cost for the program ($7,200 USD) includes tuition, air travel, housing, and academic travel, including a 3-day trip outside London to Edinburgh and day trips to Greenwich and Oxford. There are no out-of-state fees. The University of Southern Mississippi’s School of Library and Information Science is fully accredited by the American Library Association and students from LIS and IS programs from across the US have participated.

Students will complete a reflective online journal about their experiences and sites visited. Additional requirements include relevant readings, book reviews, and a research paper on an approved topic related to British libraries, archives, special collections or services. View the 2014 class blog and photo album at: http://usmbritishstudies14.blogspot.com/

For More Information:
For information about the course content, assignments, or schedule, feel free to contact us:

Teresa S. Welsh, Ph.D., MLIS
teresa.welsh@usm.edu or drtwelsh@yahoo.com or call me at 601.296.0528

Matthew Griffis, Ph.D., MLIS
matthew.griffis@usm.edu or call me at 601.266.5502

Hope to see you in London!

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