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Killam Teaching Prize for Graduate Instruction (All Students)

One Killam Teaching Prize is awarded annually to a faculty member in recognition of excellent graduate-level teaching. Candidates may be nominated by colleagues, current graduate students, or alumni. The winner is announced each spring and honoured by the Vice President Academic and Provost at Spring Congregation in May. Please note that the Killam Teaching Prize […]

Call for Nominations: Globalink Graduate Fellowship (All Students)

In collaboration with Mitacs, UBC has created the Globalink Graduate Fellowships for Mitacs Globalink alumni students who wish to pursue a research Master’s or PhD program at UBC. UBC will fund up to six students per year, depending on availability of funding from Mitacs, the quality of the students, and their fit with their prospective […]

Registration Info: Job Search Clinic + Perfectionism (All Students)

Registration is now open for: Job Search Clinic: learn about job search strategies from Centre for Student Involvement and Careers Advisors as well as a panel of professionals. Wednesday, January 16th, 2:00 – 5:00 PM For complete session details visit: http://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/7723-gps-career-services-workshop-job-search-strategies To register, visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g21bf Perfectionism: do you struggle to complete tasks on time and […]

Call for Applications: Aboriginal Graduate Fellowships (All Students)

The University of British Columbia offers multi-year fellowships to Master’s and doctoral Aboriginal students. Award winners are selected on the basis of academic merit through an annual competition, administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies in consultation with the First Nations House of Learning. Approximately a dozen new fellowships are offered each year. More information […]

Room Vacancies Are Available for Term II (All Students)

TIRED OF COMMUTING TO CLASSES? ROOM VACANCIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR TERM II (JANUARY 2013) Student Housing and Hospitality Services has room vacancies in the student residences for Term II. If you are interested in becoming part of our on-campus housing community, please contact us at the number or address below for information on rates, eligiblity […]

iSchool@UBC Research Day – Call for Participation (All Students)

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION We are thrilled to announce the iSchool@UBC’s Research Day 2013! Infrastructures of Knowledge: Mediating Memories, Representing Relationships, Framing Futures The iSchool@UBC, invites UBC faculty and students to join us in sharing the depth and breadth of our research endeavours at the intersections of information, people and technology. Our 4th Annual Research Day […]

Symposium on Maurice Sendak – Volunteers Needed (All Students)

The Symposium on Maurice Sendak is on Friday, March 1st, 2013 in the Dodson Room at the Barber Learning Centre from 3:30-6:30 pm. It’s free. Refreshments. All welcome. Students in the MACL, MLIS, MAS, Dual Programs, and students in other UBC programs, and friends and family and whomever else this may interest. Volunteers are needed […]

Inspiring Libraries Summit Reports, Video Now Online (MLIS, Dual)

The iSchool at UBC joined the British Columbia Library Association and Libraries & Literacy, B.C. Ministry of Education, in hosting Changing Times: Inspiring Libraries, a gathering of leaders in library innovation and community engagement in early December. The reports and speeches, including videos of some speakers, have been posted at http://commons.bclibraries.ca/inspiringlibraries2012/ . Explore the links […]

Professors Saltman and Meyers Featured in UBC News

Two iSchool faculty members have been featured this month in two different University of British Columbia publications, available in both print and online editions. Professor Judith Saltman, who chairs our multidisciplinary Master of Arts in Children’s Literature degree program, offers her thoughts on young adult fiction and its appeal in an interview feature in the […]

FNCC Program Option Now Open to Dual Students (All Students)

The iSchool@UBC is pleased to announce that students enrolled in the Dual program may now participate in the school’s First Nations Curriculum Concentration (FNCC). The change follows the revision to the MAS core coursework, permitting greater flexibility in course selection, including external courses. For further information about the concentration please visit the FNCC webpage http://www.slais.ubc.ca/programs/first-nationS.htm.

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