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MACL Student Defends Thesis on Korean Folktales (All Students)

Congratulations to Master of Arts in Children’s Literature candidate Sae Yong Kim, who has successfully defended her thesis, “An Analysis of a Selection of English-Language Korean Folktale Picture Books.” In her study, Sae Yong draws from the fields of folktale and fairy tale studies, Korean studies, and translation studies to examine the changes that are […]

GPS January Schedule (All Students)

The following workshops and information sessions will take place in January 2013.  Registration for each session will open the Monday prior to the session, unless noted. Thursday, January 10th: Resume and Cover Letter Clinic (registration opens Wednesday, Jan 2nd) Thursday, January 10th: New Graduate Student Orientation (Information available at orientation.grad.ubc.ca; Registration now open at https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g208c […]

BC on Comics and the Multimodal World (MLIS, Dual, MACL)

Topic areas include: – Comics and Internationalism – Comics and Digital Culture – Multimodal Narrative and First Nations/Aboriginal Cultures – Comics, Information Design, and Alternative Literacies More information provided through the website below http://www.thedclab.org/conference/

NASIG 2013 Grants, Awards, and Scholarships Open For Applicants (All Students)

The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is pleased to announce the beginning of the application cycle for its 2013 grants, awards, and scholarships to be awarded at the 2013 Annual Conference being held in Buffalo, New York, June 6-9, 2013.  Established in 1985, NASIG is an international organization committed to promoting communication and sharing […]

Award For MACL Student (All Students)

Manuscript for a children’s novel written by MACL student Laura Quintana Crellis has won honourable mention in the 2012 Latin American Literature Prize for Children, a contest organized by the Latin American Academy and the Peruvian Academy of Literature for Children and Youth.

Student Article Published in CLA Journal Feliciter (MLIS, Dual)

Sabrina Wong, MLIS, has published an article, “Shared Print, Shared Knowledge,” in the CLA journal Feliciter (December 2012)

GPS Events This Week – December 4 to 6 (All Students)

There is still space available for this week’s Thursday workshop by the Office of Research Ethics: Human Research Ethics for Behavioural and Social Sciences Thursday, December 6, 2012 – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM Through an overview of the evolution of international and national ethics codes and guidelines, ethical principles and hands-on case studies, participants […]

Published In Winter 2013 BCLA Children’s and Young Adult YAACING Newsletter (MLIS, Dual)

Congratulations to SLAIS student Elizabeth Bell, Lindsey Krabbenhoft, Megan Harris, Dana Horrocks and Stephanie Gauvin, who have had SLAIS assignments for different classes published in the Winter 2013 BCLA children’s and young adult section newsletter, YAACING.  

Call for Participation, ARMA Canada Conference 2013, Saskatoon SK (All Students)

ARMA Canada invites you to consider submitting a Speaker Application and share your valuable information and expertise. The 2013 Conference theme is “Mining RIM Resources” and this year the domains for presentation are: The Principles (Generally Accepted Recordkeeping Principles, Governance, Risk, etc.) IT & Collaborative Technologies (IT, Social Media, MER, etc.) RIM & the Business of RIM (RIM […]

Program Completion in December 2012 (All Students)

For those of you who are preparing to complete your program this December 2012, please take a moment to look at the Frequently Asked Questions at this link.  See http://www.slais.ubc.ca/programs/programs-FAQs.htm Look under Graduation.

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