Professional Development
Graduate Pathways to Success Sessions
PhD Connections Lunch for 1st year PhD students: Building your Community at UBC. Thursday, November 6th, 12:00 – 1:30 PM. Register for this lunch session by Nov 4th at is now open for the following Graduate Pathways to Success sessions: SCARL I: Planning a statistically sound research project (This is the first workshop in […]
Graduate Pathways to Success Registration: Linkedin (WEBINAR) + Project Management I
VOTE to support UBC’s Stephanie Harvard for People’s Choice in the Universitas21 3MT international competition. Voting is open until October 20th at . There are 17 winning 3-minute research videos from all over the world! Registration is now open for the following Graduate Pathways to Success session: Foundations of Project Management I Tuesday, […]
Call For Papers
The International Advisory Board is pleased to announce the Call For Papers for the Thirteenth International Conference on Books, Publishing, and Libraries, held at the University of British Columbia-Robson Square in Vancouver, Canada from 19-20 October 2015. 2015 SPECIAL CONFERENCE FOCUS: “The Event of the Book” The 2015 Book Conference coincides with the Vancouver Writers […]
2nd International Symposium of InterPARES Trust
Hope you can join us for the 2nd International Symposium of InterPARES Trust, taking place on October 17, 2014 at the University of Victoria’s Cadboro Commons Arbutus/Queenswood room.
Registration closes October 14th
Graduate Pathways to Success: Networking (Mitacs)
Registration is now open for the following Graduate Pathways to Success session: Networking (offered in partnership with the PDFO and Mitacs Step) Thursday, October 16th, 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM For a complete session description, see register, visit VOTE to support UBC’s Stephanie Harvard for People’s Choice in the Universitas21 3MT international competition. […]
Now Is a Good Time to Join ALA and Your State Library Association
In fact, it’s the perfect time to join ALA and your state library association, if your state library association is one of 28 partnering with ALA to offer joint student membership. Join now for only $38. This special dues rate is designed to help you access the benefits, networking, and career resources that come with […]
University of Illinois hosts Library Research Seminar VI
On October 7th-9th, librarians, scholars, and LIS students will gather in Champaign, Illinois, for the Library Research Seminar VI.
SLAIS Student Chapter for the Canadian Association of Law Libraries
Interested in a career in legal information? Join a vibrant, sharing community of legal information professionals and become a member of the Canadian Association of Law Libraries! CALL is looking for a student to join the ranks of our members and to start a Special Interest Group (SIG) at the UBC iSchool. Joining CALL is […]
HCI@UBC Logo Contest – Best Logo wins $300 – deadline October 10, 5pm Pacific
Non-UBC participants welcome! Calling All Designers: The HCI@UBC steering committee invites you to submit a logo that represents the spirit of HCI@UBC. Deadline: Friday, October 10th, 5pm PST Design Vision: We would like a logo that reflects the vision of HCI@UBC initiative. “The goal of the HCI@UBC initiative at UBC is to bring together faculty […]
2015 Alberta Library Conference IS OPEN!
The Alberta Library Conference (ALC) 2015 Planning Committee, with support from the Library Association of Alberta (LAA) and the Alberta Library Trustees Association (ALTA), is pleased to announce that the call for proposals for the 2015 Alberta Library Conference is open. ALC 2015 takes place in Jasper, Alberta April 30 to May 3, 2015.