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Call for UNESCO Volunteers (MAS, MLIS and Dual)

As you probably know, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO Memory of the World Program, UNESCO, in collaboration with the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies and the University Library of the University of British Columbia, and in partnership with ICA, IFLA, IASA, ICOM, WIPO, Google, Microsoft and others, is holding an international conference on “The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation” on September 26-28, 2012 in Vancouver, British Columbia. See Conference site here: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/communication-and-information/events/calendar-of-events/events-websites/the-memory-of-the-world-in-the-digital-age-digitization-and-preservation/.

I am writing to you because the UNESCO Assistant Director General would like to have a couple of students sitting in each session to take notes about the discussion following the papers presentations.  Each session consists of 3 or 4 papers, followed by a 15-20 minutes discussion in the course ll lead the people in the audience in identifying the most important issues/findings/suggestions surfaced during the presentations and contributing their views, experiences, criticisms… The two students (two instead of one to make sure that nothing is missed) will write down the proceedings of the discussion and pass them on to the directorate.  These proceedings will be published on the UNESCO website (of course with the names of the authors) together with the presented papers. 
Thus, I need about 70 volunteers for 35 sessions, from any program, but either in their second or third year (Duals who started in January are fine).  I will assign them to sessions according to their field, unless they have expressed a specific preference (you can see the draft program here). The rapporteurs (this is the official name the students will have) will be able to register for and attend the entire conference, if they wish and can do so.

As it regards the first year students, we will also need students helping at the registration desk, in the exhibit room, and as ushers. Thus, please, contact me if you are interested and let me know when you are available.
I have to point out that these activities are not part of the curriculum and that SLAIS will be in full operation the week of the conference. This means that you are not automatically excluded from classes but, if you wish to be at the conference (either as rapporteur, or as usher, or as attendee) at a time that overlaps with your classes, you have to ask your instructor(s) for permission.
On my part, I will assign the students who volunteer as rapporteurs to sessions that will not overlap with classes that they are not allowed to miss.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Dr. Luciana Duranti
MAS Program Chair

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