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Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2013 – Call for Proposals (MLIS, DUAL, PhD)

The WILU Programming Committee invites proposals to be considered for presentation at WILU 2013 (lib.unb.ca/WILU). The Conference will be held at The University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 8-10, 2013.

As Canada’s oldest English-language university, UNB carries its traditions into all opportunities and innovations. The theme for WILU 2013 is Synchronicity: The Time is Now and it reflects the increasing need for Instruction Librarians to balance a myriad of seemingly competing demands. We invite proposals that consider what it means to provide timely information literacy programs in a world of synched devices, decentralized instruction, and information overload, all while serving institutions in flux.

Possible  topics include

·      Merging tradition with innovation
·      Balancing educational theory with pedagogical practice
·      Providing instruction for interdisciplinary programs
·      Theorizing instructional technology
·      Distributed instruction
·      Information ethics
·      Open access resources for instruction
·      Literacies: information and beyond

** Deadline for proposal submissions is Monday, December 3rd, 2012.**
For more information and the submission form please see http://lib.unb.ca/WILU/program/proposals/

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