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Tuesday Nov 6th Lunch With Visiting Doctoral Student In Children’s Literature

SLAIS and YAACS are hosting a lunch on Tuesday November 6th in the Trail Room with doctoral student, Karla Lucht! She is from the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Her research interests include cultural representation (or lack thereof) in library collections for youth, conflicts of race, ethnicity and culture in youth literature, and information-seeking behaviors of youth. She will be speaking to Judith Saltman’s LIBR 521: Contemporary Literature and Other Materials for Children course at 6pm on November 6th about “The Search for Hapas: Identifying Titles Featuring Mixed-race Asian Protagonists in Youth Literature.”

Before she talks to Judi’s class, come to the Trail Room for lunch at noon on November 6th for a chance to talk to her about her research interests. Lunch will be provided too! For tickets to this event please visit the eventbrite site and register before October 30th!

Click here for the event: http://karlaluchtlunchslais.eventbrite.com

If you have any questions, please email Elizabeth Bell at esbell666@verizon.net

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