Hi Everyone: I’m looking for a couple of current students as volunteers to host a virtual session, possibly two at the same time if numbers warrant, with interested members of the incoming class for January. My idea is to use Google Hangout or similar group video (preferred) or chat software, and just let them ask questions and get a sense of what to expect. I’d be in the group for at least a few minutes. We could then share it via youtube for those who cannot attend. This is a pilot to see if it will work, and to determine any of the issues that might arise.
Date/time still to be determined. You can do it anywhere you have a decent internet connection, and it will likely be in the evening to accommodate our eastern newbies.
Important: Participation in this is COMPLETELY voluntary, so if you have privacy concerns or don’t want to be publicly shared in a video please ignore. Again, I’m trying this out as a way of connecting with the new students.
If you are interested, please contact me by Monday, November 5. michelle.mallette@ubc.ca.
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