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Call for Proposals: BC Library Conference 2013 (MLIS, DUAL, PhD)

The BC Libraries Conference is May 9th to 11th, 2013 at the Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond BC.  The 2013 theme is “Are We There Yet?”  With all the discussion about change and transition in the library community these days we hope that this theme lets us poke a bit of fun at ourselves and at the same time lets us take some risks and speculate about what the future brings.

In 2013 we are planning on some Saturday sessions that are 45 minutes long. In the past sessions have usually been 75 minutes in length.

The 45 minute sessions will give us an opportunity to feature more sessions that are “TED Talk” in nature. Our hope is that an individual, or perhaps two people, will present on ideas that are still in the development stage or on programs and service that are new to the library community. The hope is that by focusing on the beginning of an idea or plan there will be lots of energy and speculation about where things might go.  We think these sessions will help us meet the overwhelming response from the survey saying that people want to hear about innovative, creative and original ideas…and not necessarily about what has been done.

Survey responses also indicate that members are interested in hearing people who are not directly connected to the library community, but who are grappling with similar ideas, services and transitions. If you know someone, or an organization, that is engaged in work or approaches that may be interesting to the library community, perhaps approach them and encourage them to submit a proposal. Or email me the information and I will take the suggestion to the Program Planning Committee to pursue and follow up with the contact.

We hope that session proposals will consider the theme “Are We There Yet?” and perhaps talk about some of the changes libraries are experiencing, what libraries are evolving in to, what we are all  learning in the process, and what we want to learn now and in the future. Feel free to be speculative, and free to share best practices. Be daring, take a risk and share your thoughts, ideas and wonderment about the road ahead.

Proposals are due by December 11th, 2012.

To submit a proposal for the 2013 British Columbia Library Conference please access the form here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BCLC2013



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