We are thrilled to announce the iSchool@UBC’s Research Day 2013!
Infrastructures of Knowledge: Mediating Memories, Representing Relationships, Framing Futures
The iSchool@UBC, invites UBC faculty and students to join us in sharing the depth and breadth of our research endeavours at the intersections of information, people and technology. Our 4th Annual Research Day will be held on Friday, March 8, 2013. This event will showcase recent and ongoing research by faculty and students, a day set aside for reflecting on our work as designers, scholars and stewards of infrastructures of knowledge.
The day’s agenda will consist of an inspiring array of presentations and demonstrations.
** Presentations: Talks and Posters **
The presentation category is divided into short talks and posters of recent and ongoing work. The majority of submissions will be accepted as posters, with a few selected for presentation as a 10-minute talk. Poster presenters will participate in a Madness session early in the day, a fast-paced format during which poster authors will present the core ideas of their research in succinct, two-minute presentations.
* Demonstrations
The demonstration category consists of tutorials, search interfaces, applications and other displays of recent and ongoing work that are best experienced through direct engagement.
Please submit an extended abstract (400-500 words) in .pdf format by Monday, January 14, 2013 to [] As a courtesy please include [Research Day Submission] in the subject line.
Extended abstracts should include:
· Author name(s), contact information and submission type (presentation or demonstration)
· Introduction to the issue under consideration and its relationship to the field
· Method or approach proposed/taken
· Actual or anticipated results or outcomes, and
· Contributions of the work
Notifications of participation will be sent out during the 2nd week of February, 2013.
Please direct queries to:
Dr. Lisa Nathan,
Elizabeth Shaffer,
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