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Local News Media Feature iSchool Faculty

Three iSchool faculty members have been featured this month in several media outlets, including CTV and the Vancouver Sun.

Professor Judith Saltman offers her thoughts on young adult fiction and its appeal in an interview feature in the December 2012 edition of UBC Reports, a publication for the 50,000 members of the UBC community, as well as the wider community in Vancouver and British Columbia. Professor Saltman was also featured as an expert in a Vancouver Sun article examining the value of popular series fiction for teens, providing her perspective on why popular titles like The Hunger Games and Harry Potter resonate with teen readers. Click here to read the full article.

Meanwhile, Assistant Professor Eric Meyers was featured in a news segment on book apps for children, which aired on CTV News last week. In it he addresses the value of enriching children’s literacy experiences through apps, calling for more evidence before determining if apps provide children with a better experience, and encouraging parents to make careful choices. Dr. Meyers was also interviewed for The Changing Library, a feature in Trek Magazine that examines how libraries are positioning themselves by focusing on services, spaces and technology as well as content.

Assistant Professor Lisa Nathan, along with Dr. Daniel Heath Justice, was interviewed and featured in the November 2012 issue of Dialogues, the UBC Centre for Teaching and Learning Technology’s newsletter. Dr. Nathan and Dr. Justice presented a workshop for university faculty members on engaging students with a new web resource called Indigenous Foundations.

Finally, Assistant Professor Victoria Lemieux is featured for her work in visual analytics in the current issue of Innovations, the newsletter of the UBC Institute for Computing, Information and Cognitive Sciences. The article is titled “Tools for Thought: Using Visual Analytics to Gain Insight into the Deluge of Data,” by Mari-Lou Rowley.

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