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Expanding the Security Landscape: From New Threats to Novel Issues (All Students)

Centre for International Peace and Security Studies Present the 11th Annual Graduate Student Conference,
May 6th 2013, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

Expanding the Security Landscape: From New Threats to Novel Issues


CIPSS is organizing its 11th Annual Graduate Student Conference entitled, Expanding the Security Landscape: From New Threats to Novel Issues.  This one-day event will entail four separate panel presentations and discussions organized around theoretical and practical sub-themes with an overarching goal of fostering interdisciplinary and inter-issue area discussion around the expanding Security Studies sub-field.

We are looking for theoretically and practically oriented contributions from various academic disciplines on the following topics:

~ Cyber Warfare
~ Emerging Technologies of Security (Drones and Social Media)
~ WMD Proliferation and Strategic Stability
~ Institutional Roles of IGOs, NGOs, and Regional Organizations (UN, NATO, ASEAN, EU, etc.)
~ Insurgency/Counter-Insurgency and Terrorism
~ Environmental Security and Resource Scarcity (Arctic, Water, Oil, etc.)
~ Immigration Policy
~ Human and Food Security
~ Societal and Identity Security
~ Gender Issues and Security

Papers can be presented either in English or in French.

Please send a 300-word abstract to: cipss.graduate.conference@gmail.com.


Pending the availability of funds, limited travel and accommodation subsidies may be provided to presenters outside the immediate Montreal area.
For more information, please email: cipss.graduate.conference@gmail.com

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