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January 2013

You are browsing the archive for January 2013.

CONNECT orientation for returning students

Dear Students, As you may have noticed, we have a new look and feel with all the courses in Connect. We have taken your feedback from a survey that was conducted in Term 1 to re-designed the interface and enable other functions to further enhance your experience.  I’d like to invite you to attend an […]

Registration Info: Job Search Clinic + Perfectionism (All Students)

Registration is now open for: Job Search Clinic: learn about job search strategies from Centre for Student Involvement and Careers Advisors as well as a panel of professionals. Wednesday, January 16th, 2:00 – 5:00 PM For complete session details visit: http://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/7723-gps-career-services-workshop-job-search-strategies To register, visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g21bf Perfectionism: do you struggle to complete tasks on time and […]

Practicum and Internship Deadline Reminder

Just a reminder that the deadline for applying to the April 2013 LIBR 595 Practicum is this Monday, January 7, and the deadline for applications to the ARST 595 Internship for Summer 2013 is Wednesday, January 9. Please send practicum and internship requests to Heather Shand at slais.ssc@ubc.ca.

Call for Applications: Aboriginal Graduate Fellowships (All Students)

The University of British Columbia offers multi-year fellowships to Master’s and doctoral Aboriginal students. Award winners are selected on the basis of academic merit through an annual competition, administered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies in consultation with the First Nations House of Learning. Approximately a dozen new fellowships are offered each year. More information […]

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