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January 2013

You are browsing the archive for January 2013.

Doctoral Exam – EVELYN MARKWEI (All Students)

The ‘Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy’ for Evelyn Markwei is set for Thursday, February 7 at 12:30 pm in Room 200 at the Graduate Student Centre (6371 Crescent Road). This examination is a public event and you are invited to attend.  If you decide to come, it would be greatly […]

VHF Movie Night Press Release (All Students)

Vancouver Heritage Foundation is very pleased to present Gritty City: Vancouver in the 60’s at the historic Hollywood Theatre. Partnering with the lovely folks at Church at the Hollywood this three night mini-film fest will feature four short films that explore an aspect of mid-century Vancouver. From Neon to West Coast Architecture to the budding […]

Call For Volunteers (All Students)

Looking for a fulfilling volunteer opportunity that will bolster your cv? Interested in research? Volunteer for the school’s 4th Annual Research Day: Infrastructures of Knowledge: Mediating Memories, Representing Relationships, Framing Futures on Friday 8 March 2013. A great way to meet colleagues and faculty, ask questions about the various research projects going on at the […]

Maurice Sendak Symposium (All Students)

Maurice Sendak’s Modernism for Children. A Celebration of the Signifier? Speaker: Dr. Helene Høyrup, Associate Professor in children’s literature and digital literacy at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark When: Friday, March 1st, 2013, 3:30 pm – 6:30 pm, The Dodson Room, Room 302, Level 3, Chapman Learning Commons, Irving K. Barber Learning […]

Two MLIS Alumni Featured in Parksville Qualicum Beach News Article (All Students)

Two MLIS alumni Eileen Gillette and Janet Dilgatty were featured in the January 10, 2013 article in the Parksville Qualicum Beach News.  “Death of Library Greatly Exaggerated” examines all the services modern libraries offer for public libraries. The technology is improving access which people can now access without going to the physical library. The article […]

ALSC Scholarships (MLIS, Dual)

If you are pursuing a master’s or advanced degree in children’s librarianship, the deadline for applying for two fantastic ALSC scholarships: Bound to Stay Bound Books (Four awards of $7,000 each), and Frederic G. Melcher (two awards of $6,000 each) is March 1st, 2013. Application Information is on the ALSC site: http://www.ala.org/alsc/edcareeers/alscschol/scholarship_specifications  

Hip Hop Archives on You Tube

Anonymouz of ILL-Legitimate, Guest Speaker in ARST 520, in a class on community archives, on Hip Hop Archives http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMjeGY-QZNk&feature=youtu.be

Grad Student Wellness, 3MT and Time Mgmt Webinars + Presentation Skills (All Students)

Registration is now open for: Working toward Wellness: Health and Graduate Student Life Monday, January 28th, 4:30 – 6:30 PM To register, please visit: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g226e 3MT Coaching Session and Webinar (info session on 3MT logistics + tips on giving an effective presentation) Tuesday, January 29th 9:00 – 10:30 AM @ Graduate Student Centre OR 11:00 […]

Embassy of Spain-Teaching Assistants in Spain (All Students)

The Education Office of the Embassy of Spain in Ottawa would appreciate if your Organization/Institution could circulate among potential candidates this information about: GRANTS FOR CANADIAN AND AMERICAN LANGUAGE AND CULTURE TEACHING ASSISTANTS IN SPAIN FOR 2013-14 (ENGLISH OR FRENCH LANGUAGES) Positions available as an English or French language teaching assistant all over Spain for […]

NASIG Awards Announcement (MLIS, Dual)

The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is pleased to announce the beginning of the application cycle for its 2013 grants, awards, and scholarships to be awarded at the 2013 Annual Conference being held in Buffalo, New York, June 6-9, 2013.  Established in 1985, NASIG is an international organization committed to promoting communication and sharing […]

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