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Electronic Resources & Libraries Conference Student Travel Awards (All Students)

Taylor & Francis Group is sponsoring travel grants for two students traveling to ER&L 2013 (March 17-20 in Austin). The travel grant includes conference registration, air travel costs, and housing totaling up to $1500 per winner. Applications are being accepted now and awards will be adjudicated by an ER&L volunteer committee.

Application Requirements: This grant is open to currently enrolled students wishing to  attend ER&L 2013. Student applicants will be required to supply contact information as well as to answer a questions related to how access to ER&L can assist the applicant in achieving professional and academic goals. Questions about this award should be directed to ER&L at eresources.info@gmail.com

Application Deadline: Applications are being accepted now on ER&L’s website through Thursday, February 21, 2013. Winning applicant names will be posted to the website no later than Monday, February 25, 2013.

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