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iSchool@UBC Welcomes Dr. Helene Høyrup

Helene HoyrupThe School of Library, Archival, and Information Studies, the iSchool at UBC, welcomes Dr. Helene Høyrup, Ph.D., as the inaugural Dodson Visiting Professor. Dr. Høyrup is Associate Professor in children’s literature and digital literacy at the Royal School of Library and Information Science (RLIS) in Copenhagen, Denmark. “I am very much looking forward to meeting and engaging with the MACL, MLIS, and Dual students, professors and research environment and to having discussions with them about how they see the development of young people’s texts as a field,” says Dr. Høyrup.

The Dodson Visiting Professorship is named in honour of Suzanne and Earl Dodson, UBC alumni and longtime supporters of UBC Libraries. This fellowship provides funds to enable the successful candidate to spend a term engaged in teaching and research at the iSchool and with the UBC community. For the inaugural fellowship, candidates in the field of children’s literature were invited to apply. Dr. Høyrup is an international scholar in children’s literature studies, particularly interested in the theoretical development of children’s literature scholarship, the interface between children’s literature, art and literature for adults, and the situation of children’s literature and its studies in different nations and regions. She was drawn to UBC for the Master of Arts in Children’s Literature program’s international profile and intersections with LIS and other domains. “On a personal note, it is my first visit to Canada ever and I very much look forward to it,” says Dr. Høyrup. “My own great-grandmother emigrated to Canada, so I might have been a Canadian myself.”

Professor Judith Saltman, chair of the MACL program, in turn expresses enthusiasm for Dr. Høyrup’s visit: “It is a wonderful opportunity for the MACL and MLIS/dual students to learn from Dr. Høyrup. She brings an international perspective to the study of children’s literature and libraries.” Dr. Høyrup will be with the school from late February until April, teaching two one-credit classes: Children’s Literature in a New Literacy Perspective (LIBR 522K) and Children’s Literature, Canon Formation, and Canonicity (LIBR 522M). “Students in my class can expect an instructor who is interested in most aspects of young people’s texts and in the development of theories and studies for addressing the new media age. I have a long track of cooperating actively with students and highly enjoy this part of my work.” In addition to teaching and mentoring students, she will also be speaking at the MACL-organized Sendak Symposium on March 1st (see details in this issue of SLAISmatters) and delivering two colloquia lectures on March 6th and March 20th.

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