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Invitation to Participate In Online Survey About Vancouver Restaurants (All Students)

We would like to let you know about an opportunity to take part in a 10-15 minute online survey about your interest and review of Vancouver restaurants.

The research objective is to better understand how online social environments can be more beneficial for their users.

To participate you need to be more than 19 years old and have a Facebook account.

You will be compensated by being enrolled in a draw that will give you the chance to win an iPad Mini and $50 restaurant vouchers.

You will be able to increase your chances of wining the draw by sharing the study with your Facebook friends at the end of the survey and by participating to a fun follow-up online exercise next month.

To take part to this study, click on this link: http://mytablevancouver.com

Thank you very much for your interest.
Doctoral Candidate Camille Grange / Professor Izak Benbasat
Sauder School of Business

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