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Travel Support for ACA Conference – Call for applications (MAS, Dual)

This is a call for students who wish to apply for travel support to attend the ACA conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba (June 13-15, 2013).   In expectation that ACA will again this year, as it did last year, provide additional travel support  to students presenting in the student session, we will follow the procedure adopted last year, as described in the attachment.

Basically, one award of $500 or two awards of $250 will be available to support student attendance at ACA.  Criteria for the award are given in the attachment.  The award is available to students in the MAS program or Dual MAS/MLIS program.

If you would like to apply for this award, please apply by letter (include CV) to the Director, Caroline Haythornthwaite, submitted to Debra Locke (in print or as an email attachment) outlining how you meet the criteria for this award. For detals, see https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/?attachment_id=3426

The deadline for applications is March 22, 2013.

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