Once again the Canadian Library Association is running its “Students to CLA Program” for the national conference to be held May 29-June 1 in Winnipeg, MB. CLA invites each school to nominate a representative; each representative is asked to work 4 to 6 hours a day in a variety of conference activities. CLA provides a complimentary full registration, 3 nights shared accommodation in a conference hotel and a meal allowance. SLAIS will provide a travel allowance of up to $500 to the student selected to represent the School through its “Conference Support for SLAIS Students” program (see http://www.slais.ubc.ca/ADMISSIONS/student-conf-fund.htm).
According to CLA, “Selection of students should be considered on the basis of academic achievement, leadership potential and demonstrated interest in the profession. In addition, students must have been an active volunteer in their Student Chapter, university program or at the community level”. Membership in CLA is a requirement.
If you wish to be considered for the program, you should write me a letter indicating how you meet the criteria and why you should be chosen for the award by 12 noon TUESDAY, March 26th. Your statement of interest should include an estimate of the amount required for travel. Please also include a two-page resume.
Please submit your letter, in print or via email, to Debra Locke at slais.gradsec@ubc.ca.
Students who have participated in this program in the past have found it an excellent opportunity to meet students from other schools, network with the professional community, and learn from a wide selection of conference programs. Further information about the program, please see https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/?attachment_id=3437
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