Be a part of this new initiative!
In November 2012, the CALL/ACBD Executive approved the formation of the new Student SIG. This SIG aims to encourage the student membership within CALL/ACBD and work with different University library schools across Canada to promote Legal Information Management as a career path as well as promote the benefits of membership within the Canadian Association of Law Libraries/ Association de Canadienne bibliothèque droit.
So far the SIG has two unofficial student run branches, one at Dalhousie University’s School of Information Management and one at Western University’s Faculty of Information and Media Studies.
If you are a student member of CALL or if you are interested in promoting legal information management careers and CALL/ACBD to Library and Information Studies students, be sure to attend our first committee meeting at the Montreal Conference on Sunday May 5, 2013 from 1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
At the meeting we will chose the Chair(s), discuss options for students to create branches of the CALL/ACBD Student SIG at their own schools, and have a few short presentations by professionals on advice for students seeking careers as Law Librarians.
Please come and support CALL’s newest SIG!
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