Are you currently in library school or a new professional?
On behalf of the Membership, Promotion, Diversity and Recruitment Committee for ALA’s New Members Round Table (NMRT), I would like to personally invite you to consider membership in this round table. NMRT offers many great benefits for new members. As an ALA member for fewer than 10 years, you are eligible for membership in NMRT.
The NMRT provides a starting point for everyone who is new to ALA, the profession, or both, and provides them with assistance, encouragement, and development opportunities – all for only $10 a year. What do you get for your $10? Here’s a sample:
- Connect with students, new professionals, and experienced “Alumni” members through the NMRT listserv, meetings, conference socials, and development programs;
- Join or chair an NMRT committee to jump start your involvement in ALA;
- Publish something in the NMRT newsletter, Footnotes, or our peer-reviewed journal, Endnotes;
- Apply for travel grants and awards to attend the ALA Annual Conference;
- Get advice on your resume through the Resume Review Service, either virtually year-round or in person at the ALA Annual Conference.
Start at and take the first step on your greater ALA journey.
Thank you for your time, and we hope to hear from you soon! If you have questions, feel free to email us at
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