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Ken Haycock Student Conference Award (MLIS, Dual)

Applications are being accepted for the annual Ken Haycock Student Conference Award for the 2013 BC Library Conference. The award is in the amount of $300, and also includes a complimentary basic conference registration.

Named in honour of Ken Haycock, director of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies from 1992-2002, this award is intended to offset BC Library Conference expenses, encouraging leadership and professional activity among students.

In addition to the cash award, BCLA will contribute a basic conference registration.


  • Recipient will be a member of      BCLA.
  • Recipient will be a BC resident      enrolled in an ALA-accredited MLIS program at the time of the application.
  • Recipient will submit a      statement of potential benefit from attending the conference and      involvement with BCLA

To apply, follow the instructions for BCLA Continuing Education Awards on the Awards Nomination Process webpage at http://www.bcla.bc.ca/page/awards.aspx#.UWMs7TeNDoE

BCLA Continuing Education Awards:

Please write a brief letter stating which award you are seeking and why you have applied for support. Send all letters of application to BCLA Executive Director Annette DeFaveri at execdir@bcla.bc.ca – applications must be received by April 15th, 2013. Please indicate the name of the award in the subject line of your email.


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