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ARMA – All Day Workshop – Monday 13th May (All Students)

ARMA Vancouver Island Presents:

Records Management and Information Governance, with a focus on First Nations and Local Government

Date: Monday, May 13, 2013
Time:  8:45 AM to 4:15 PM (PDT)
Place: Vancouver Island Conference Centre, 101 Gordon St., Nanaimo, BC, V9R 5J8
Admission: $50 ARMA members; $60  non-members (visit www.armavi.org to register)

Please note: Deadline for registration is May 9, 2013.

Join us in Nanaimo for a one day information governance and records management conference with a focus on the needs and challenges of First Nations and local government organizations.

The morning will feature two topical and informative sessions for organizations with any level of records management program, from almost-beginning to well-developed.

The panel and discussion opportunities in the afternoon will provide an excellent forum to discuss your particular challenges, hear from others on what they’re facing and perhaps how they think you can overcome what you’re dealing with, and receive input from professionals with extensive experience in the field.  This is an amazing opportunity!

For more information, including the day’s agenda, session descriptions and presenters’ bios, please visit our website at www.armavi.org.

See you there!

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