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iSchool PhD Student Receives Holmes Travel Award from SAA [All Students]

Rachel (Weimei) Pan, a first-year doctoral student in the Archives Studies PhD Program was recently named the 2013 recipient of the Oliver Wendell Holmes Travel Award from the Society of American Archivists. The award will be presented at a ceremony during the Council of State Archivists and SAA Joint Annual Meeting in New Orleans, August 11–17, 2013. In 2012, two other iSchool students, Georgia Barlaoura and Lara Mancuso, were recipients of the award.

From the Press Release: “The Oliver Wendell Holmes Travel Award enables overseas archivists who are already in the United States or Canada for training to augment their experience by traveling to the Joint Annual Meeting. Established in 1979, this award honors SAA Fellow and former President Oliver Wendell Holmes.”

Congratulations, Rachel!














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