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InterPARES Trust Research Project Moves

The InterPARES Trust, a major five-year SSHRC Partnership grant, has been allocated dedicated office space for the five year duration of the project.
The InterPARES Trust offices are located in Mary Bollert Hall, Rooms 114 and 120, on North West Marine Drive, across from the Chan Centre and a quick walk from SLAIS. In addition, SLAIS is supporting the project by dedicating the Trail Room to project members for meetings and research on Wednesdays from 8 am to 6 pm. You will find Corinne Rogers, Project Coordinator, and Elise Koshman, Project Administrator in the Trail Room on Wednesdays, and at Mary Bollert Hall at other times. Dr. Luciana Duranti, on sabbatical during the fall, will be present at SLAIS starting in January.

Watch this space for an open house invitation later in September following the move!

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