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Garfield Research Fellowship in the History of Information Science

The Medical Library Association Eugene Garfield Research Fellowship promotes and supports research in the history of information science. The $5000 fellowship, established in 2013, is to be used for research-related purposes regarding the history of information science to increase the underlying knowledgebase in this area and enhance the current and future practice of the information professions, particularly health sciences librarianship.  Health sciences librarians and information scientists, health professionals, researchers, educators, and administrators are eligible. Applicants must have a master’s or doctor’s degree or be enrolled in a program leading to such a degree and demonstrate a commitment to the health sciences. The fellowship is not designed to support research for a doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis.

The award is not restricted to disbursement in a single year and funding may be disbursed over a period of up to two years depending on the needs of the research fellow. The award may be used to supplement or extend other awards, including other private or government-supported fellowships, but is not contingent on receiving other awards.  Please see the MLA Grants and Scholarships page  (http://www.mlanet.org/awards/grants/)  on MLANET for more information. The submission deadline is December 1.

Inquiries: E-mail, telephone or written inquiries are welcomed. Please direct inquiries to Maria Lopez, 312.419.9094 x15, grants@mlahq.org.

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