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Final Call for Works in Progress Showcase, 2014 ALISE Annual Conference [MLIS,Dual]

For the Works in Progress Showcase, we invite scholars at any stage of their career to share research-in-progress through posters. The poster will highlight work-in-progress and may present research proposals, theoretical framework, pilot studies, early findings, or preliminary conclusions. In line with this year’s conference theme, educational entrepreneurship, we are particularly interested in: early stages of conceptualization, proposals, or implementations of new educational initiatives. This may include new modes of delivery, markets, synergies with cognate disciplines, collaborators or competitors, and new ways to remunerate instructors.

Participants in the Works in Progress Showcase will receive feedback in an informal setting. This is an excellent opportunity to identify collaborators and potential publication venues, and to enrich research by obtaining feedback. It may also facilitate collaboration and development of new educational initiatives.

The posters for the Works in Progress Showcase are neither refereed nor judged. Space for poster display is limited therefore acceptance will be based availability

Submissions Guidelines:

Submissions will be made through the Easy Chair system, at: www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=alise2014


Follow these steps:

1. Log on the system (create an EasyChair account if you do not already have one)

2. If you are also a reviewer, please be sure to select “author” as your role for your own submission.

3. Select “New Submission”.

4. Complete all the information requested.

5. Upload your file and press “Submit”.

6. You should also receive a confirmation email from the EasyChair system.


Please submit a Word document that includes:


1. Name and Contact Information

Full Name of Presenter(s)

Contact Information (e-mail and phone)

School Affiliation

Academic Status


2. Poster Description

Poster Title

50-word Abstract (for conference program)

Poster Description (limited to 250 words)

ALISE LIS Research Area Classification (include both the numerical and verbal

designations): https://ali.memberclicks.net/classification-scheme


For inquiries about the Work in Progress Showcase, please contact Pnina Fichman, Indiana University, Bloomington, at fichman@indiana.edu


Important dates:

Submission Deadline: October 1, 2013

Rolling notifications will be sent out until space for display is full and no later than November 2,



Works in Progress poster abstracts will be posted to the web by ALISE for no more than one year. Permission to post is assumed by participation.


Pnina Fichman
Associate Professor, School of Informatics and Computing
Director, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics

Affiliated Associate Professor, School of Global and International Studies
901 East 10th Street, Informatics West #301
Indiana University, Bloomington, 47408
Phone (812) 856-1587
E-Mail fichman@indiana.edu

Web http://ella.slis.indiana.edu/~fichman/

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