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Call for Proposals: 2014 Canadian Library Association (CLA) Conference, May 28 – 31, Victoria, BC

2014 CLA National Conference & Trade Show
Victoria, British Columbia
May 28 – May 31, 2014

The call for proposals for the 2014 CLA National Conference in Victoria is now open. This is your chance to contribute to CLA’s premier professional development opportunity. Help make 2014 CLA Victoria the must-attend event of the year!

We invite submissions from the library and other information-related communities for consideration to present at the conference. Proposals for pre-conference sessions, concurrent program sessions and poster presentations are welcome!

New this year are the Peer-to-Peer sessions formatted to allow participants to openly discuss and exchange ideas in a specific area of practice/community. These sessions can be 60 or 90 minutes and each proposal must have a champion (convenor) to reach out to the selected area of practice to determine top issues for discussion.

The Learning Lounge was introduced in 2013 in Winnipeg. The lounge consisted of short presentations (maximum 20 minutes) on very specific topics. We are pleased to advise this will be included in the 2014 program. We welcome proposals for these sessions from both the library/information and vendor communities. This informal experience is designed to encourage connection, discussion and engagement.

Detailed instructions for program submissions are available at www.cla.ca/conference/2014. The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2013. Accepted presenters will be notified by the end of December 2013.

We would appreciate your support by forwarding this information through your listserv or other means.

Questions may be addressed to Wendy Walton at 613.232.9625 ext. 302 or wwalton@cla.ca

See you in Victoria!

Barbara Clubb
Interim Executive Director of CLA

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