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Manitoba Libraries Conference 2014 – Call for proposals – Deadline extended to November 1st! [MLIS, Dual]

Manitoba Libraries Conference 2014
Winnipeg, Manitoba
May 12-14, 2014

 Theme: Unlimited Potential


The Manitoba Libraries Conference Program Committee is pleased to invite members of the library, archival, museum, records management, and educational communities to submit proposals for the Manitoba Libraries Conference, May 12 – 14, 2014 at the Delta Winnipeg. 


Libraries are experiencing a number of challenges in the form of shrinking budgets, rapidly changing information technology, outdated facilities, and a pressing need to develop relevant collections and adequate resources for diverse user communities. And yet, through ingenuity and innovation libraries continue to overcome these obstacles to provide exceptional programs and relevant services to their respective users. Recognizing the unlimited potential of the library community the Program Committee invites proposals for sessions on topics including, but not exclusive to:  


·      e-Collection Development

·      Strategic Planning

·      New Ways of Measuring results. New Ways of Measuring Success

·      Marketing Value

·      Leveraging Open-Source Information Technology

·      Indigenous Libraries and Archives

·      Programming for Diverse User Communities

·      Success Stories and Epic Failures: Library Project Hits and Misses

·      The Other F Word: Problems and Solutions with Library Funding

·      Punching Above Their Weight: Excellence in Manitoba’s Rural Libraries

·      Stories from the Front: Highlighting Library Technicians in Manitoba

·      Management in a Changing Environment

·      Partnering for Success: Exploring Joint Library Initiatives


Submitting Proposals:

  The 2014 Conference Program Committee welcomes proposals in a variety of formats including:  

 ·      Pre-conference (full or half-day.) 

·      Traditional Session: Individual or group presentations of approximately 20 to 60 min per speaker with questions as time permits. 

·      Panel Discussion: Presentations of approximately 10-15 minutes with discussion to follow. 

·      Roundtable: 5-7 minute presentations with open floor discussion. 

·      Lightning Round Talk: 20 presentation slides presented at 20 seconds per slide. 6 minutes on a specific topic or focused debate. 

·      Poster Session: Summarized information using text and images presented in a poster format. 

 *French Language Proposals are Encouraged 

 Please complete the Speaker Form, see https://slais.sites.olt.ubc.ca/?attachment_id=4111

and submit it to librariesconference2014@gmail.com

The deadline for proposals is Friday November 1st, 2013.

Please feel free to direct questions to:

Sarah Clark
Co-Chair MLC Program Committee

Jordan Bass
Co-Chair MLC Program Committee

Manitoba Library Association
606-100 Arthur Street
Winnipeg, MB  R3B 1H3
(204) 943-4567

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