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Frances Henne / YALSA / VOYA Research Grant

Help advance our profession by advancing your research! YALSA is pleased to support the Frances Henne / YALSA / VOYA Research Grant, an annual competition that awards recipients $1000 in seed money to support small-scale research projects. The deadline for applying is December 1.

The proposed research must respond to YALSA’s vision, mission, goals, and research agenda; applicants must also be YALSA members.  Proposals are limited to two pages plus an additional page for biographical information.
Full information about the grant and requirements for the proposal can be found here: http://www.ala.org/yalsa/awardsandgrants/franceshenne

The 2013 Henne Research Grant supported work by Drexel doctoral student Rachel Magee, who examined how teens use (or do not use) technologies, how the values and relationships surrounding teens and technology impact that use and what that means for the role of information in teens’ lives.

Dr. Carol L. Tilley, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, chairs this year’s jury. She is joined by Robert Bittner, Simon Fraser University; Dr. Don Latham, Florida State University; Maribel Lechuga, Kitsap Regional Library; and Dr. Cindy C. Welch, University of Tennessee.*

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