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October 2013

You are browsing the archive for October 2013.

FIREtalk: Learning Machines [all students]

The Research Commons invites graduate students from any discipline – engineers, philosophers, computer scientists, writers, neuroscientists, artists, psychologists, social theorists, and others – to explore the boundary between mind and machine. Join us for the next FIREtalk (bit.ly/firetalk), Learning Machines. When: Wednesday, November 27, 4-6 pm Where: Koerner Library, Room 216 About the Topic What […]

Call for Proposals Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU) 2014

The WILU Program Committee invites proposals to be considered for presentation at WILU 2014, to be held at Western University in London, Ontario from May 21-23, 2014. WILU originated at Western in 1972 and returns to the Forest City in 2014 inviting you to “E-magine the Possibilities”. Ever-changing educational environments create limitless possibilities for innovation […]

Opportunity to study in London, Summer 2014 [MLIS, Dual]

The opportunity below comes from the School of Library and Information Studies at Florida State University. Students are to assume all associated costs. NOTE: All transfer credits would need to be approved by the Graduate Adviser, Dr. Rick Kopak. An exciting opportunity to earn six graduate LIS credits while living in central London is being […]

January 2014 term WISE Course Requests Start Today [All Students]

The date on which you can begin to request spaces in the January WISE courses has changed to today, October 28, 2013. Registration for the January 2014 term WISE courses opens October 28, 2013. Information on the available courses can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise/13-14-wt2/wise-13-14-wt2.htm General information on WISE can be found here: http://www.slais.ubc.ca/courses/wise.htm It is […]

Graduate Pathways to Success: Building Effective Supervisory Relationships

UBC’s Graduate Pathways to Success (GPS) Program has space still available in the upcoming workshop: Building Effective Supervisory Relationships Wednesday, October 30th, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm For a complete session description, please visit: https://www.grad.ubc.ca/about-us/events/10547-gps-workshop-building-effective-supervisory-relationships To register, see: https://www.surveyfeedback.ca/surveys/wsb.dll/s/1g2cb3

The Oxford English Dictionary, the Grimm Brothers, and Miley Cyrus: On the Changing Expectations of the OED: Past, Present and (Possible) Futures

The Oxford English Dictionary, the Grimm Brothers, and Miley Cyrus: On the Changing Expectations of the OED: Past, Present and (Possible) Futures November 15, 2013 Dodson Room, 3rd Floor, IKBLC Stefan Dollinger, assistant professor of English language, UBC This brief social history and criticism of the Oxford English Dictionary will contextualize its origins and reflect […]

UBC Rare Books and Special Collections – The Road to the OED: A History of the English-Language Dictionaries

Curated by SLAIS student Chelsea Shriver. November 7—December 31, 2013 Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Rare Books and Special Collections, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre University of British Columbia Join Rare Books and Special Collections on a journey through the history of English-language dictionaries. This exhibition […]

Call for Papers: Vancouver Association of Law Libraries

The Vancouver Association of Law Libraries is seeking a feature article for the fall edition of VALL Review. The theme of the issue is technology and its impact on libraries. This is a great opportunity for students to get published and become involved in the local law library community. If you are interested please email […]

Science-Technology Divistion S. Kirk Cabeen Travel Stipend Award

The S. Kirk Cabeen Travel Stipend Award is offered to a library school student or first time conference attendee. This $1,000 award is to be used toward expenses of attending the SLA Annual Conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 8-10, 2014. QUALIFICATIONS: Be a library school student or first time attendee; be a current […]

November Convocation

The convocation date and time for November graduates has been set and can be viewed at the Graduation at UBC Schedule website. The convocation ceremony will take place on Thursday, November 28, 2013, at 12:30 pm.    

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